PO310 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Canadian Transportation Agency, Speech From The Throne, Royal Canadian Mounted Police

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9 Apr 2015

Document Summary

Prime ministerial powers: leader of governing party, cabinet maker, chief architect of government structure, wide appointment authority, lead parliament and direct governor general, chief communicator for government. Cabinet selection: member of house of commons, unelected members of cabinet, veterans and rivals, reflect ideological diversity of party, reflect provincial and regional diversity, reflect demographics, based on merit before cabinet, performance while in power. John a. macdonald- 13: reflects ideological states, mulroney- 40, chretien- 24, harper- 25+ Individual ministerial responsibility: caucus responsibility, party responsibility, parliamentary responsibility* Organizational forms: operating departments, crown corporations, regulatory agencies, special agencies, more to less control by government. To serve the public interest through the promotion of a safe and secure, efficient and environmentally responsible transportation system in canada: minister lisa raitt, deputy minister louis levesque, organization chart. Headed by regional director generals responsible for the delivery of transportation programs in respective regions.