PO221 Study Guide - Final Guide: Liberal Democracy, Blood Sport, Cnn Effect

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Difficulty defining democracy it is a problem of operationalizing (measuring) our variables. While the idea and different forms of democracy have spread around the globe, we still see the substance of democracy stifled encapsulated in the problem of having 2 regimes that call themselves democracies . 1 electoral democracies observe some of the forms of democracy. 2 liberal democracies contain the substance of democracy. Electoral democracy : although the state in question does hold elections they may not be free and fair as to retain the substance of democracy ex. The legislature has no real power to govern. So, the debate arises from the varying degrees along the continuum of ed to ld as to which states are democratic and which are not. At what point" does a state become democratic enough . Freedom house a u. s ngo which produces a publication called freedom in the. World , which tracts states on their journey of becoming democratic.