PO102 Study Guide - Final Guide: Preferential Trading Area, International Humanitarian Law, Global Governance

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22 Apr 2018

Document Summary

The course is about how we govern at the global level. Consider differences between governing at the domestic and global levels. Don"t have a central authority but we do have governance. Other tools; norms, international law, international organizations, non-governmental organizations, regional organizations, alliances or collective security arrangements, regimes. Consider examples of issues that we have studied and the tools that have been used to solve problems. Ex: npt is = international law (treaty) Regulation of weapons = international humanitarian law, convention (ccw), ngos like. Trade = wto, preferential trade agreements like nafta, gatt before the wto the campaign. The concepts/term will come from the list i will supply after class (mls) You will provide 10 definitions and state the significance of 10. Each term will be worth 5 marks. How does the term relate to global governance. How to define and state the significance of a term: Knowing the actual definition is only part of the anser.