PO101 Study Guide - Final Guide: Justin Trudeau, Party System, Minority Rights

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Method of political analysis that compares different systems of political authority based on system type, time period or form of leadership. This is significant to the course itself because comparative approach is what allows us to truly learn more about political systems within a canadian context, while referencing systems from all over the globe and throughout history. Comparative politics allows us to cross-section different political systems from all over the world. Recognized political unit, considered to be sovereign, with a defined territory and people and a central government responsible for administration. The state is significant in the sense that it connects our understanding of the highest authority with our understanding of what a sovereignity is. It allows us to understand how countries are granted borders in which no other entity can legally tell a country what to do. Each state for example might uphold it"s own ideals rule should be influced by popular soverignity or rule of law.