[MU158] - Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam (160 pages long!)

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7 Feb 2017

Document Summary

Music and its elements/experiences, sounds and therapeutic relationship. Not just one definition as it is context based. Therapist who uses music vs. musician who does therapy . Music and healing during the middle ages, renaissance and baroque periods. Fran herman and the home for incurable children. Norma sharpe and the st. thomas psychiatric hospital. Music therapy conference and the formation of the canadian association for music therapy. Canada"s first music therapy program at capilano college/university. One of six provincial/area associations with the camt www. musictherapyontario. com. Dr. rosemary fischer initiated the program brought her training from us. Dr. fischer and dr. carolyn arnason worked together teaching the bmt program. Dr. colin lee and dr. heidi ahonen joined the faculty, and the mmt program was created. Music as mirror of our biological rhythms (breathing, walking, heartbeat, sleeping, seasons, blinking) Thoughts and feelings that lie underneath, getting them out to surface. Moving unconscious and subconscious to conscious where it can be processed.