MU158 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Vocal Folds, Hyperfunction, Aisle

83 views2 pages
18 Jan 2017

Document Summary

Overuse causes more voice problems than any other factor. Shouting, loud talking and laughing, insistent talking, talking or singing over noice of moving car, coughing and throat clearing, singing at inappropriate pitch level, singing longer and louder than we can do with comfort. Limits of safe use differ in individuals, most of us learn limits by experience. Vocal folds are resilient, if we stop overuse and allow folds to rest, they usually heal themselves. If overuse continues, persistent bump called a node may develop on edge of one or both folds. Prevent folds from closing correctly and cause reduction of range and volume. Vocal sounds made with free, unrestricted flow of breath. When throat and mouth are most relaxed, vowel sound they resonate is uh. Vowels described as bright (ee), neutral (uh), or dark (oo) Singers train to have uniform feeling of vibration for all vowels. Ipa symbol: english name: i e a o u.