KP200 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Target Games

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Painting entitles children"s games is dated 1560 and captures the energy and enthusiasm of. 230 children taking part in 90 games being played in the heart of town square. Difference of what painting looked life then vs what it would look like today. Estimated that over 2/3s of canadian children are not physically active enough to achieve health bene ts of pa. Because of this number, there has been a recent calls for more physical education classes by provincial, national, and international organizations. Like education, games can help students gain the necessary skills, knowledge, and attitudes to lead active and healthy lives. 50% of time in alberta physical education programs was devoted to teaching games. Games can be used as one strategy to help students acquire positive health outcomes. Health outcomes associated with acquisition of behavioural, social, and cognitive skills are not fostered in children just through sport participation and skillful and progresive instruction is required.