HE302 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Health Care In Canada, Health Canada, Kiefer Sutherland

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23 Jan 2021

Document Summary

Week 1: introduction to the course and the canadian health care system. An organization/institution that requires people and resources that offer care and/or meet health needs of a population. Usually . healthcare = adjective health care = noun. Though there is inconsistency in how people spell it. Health: the state of physical, mental, and social wellbeing. Healthcare: goods, services, and activities that improve/maintain health. How does canadian compare: all canadian residents should have reasonable access to medically necessary hospital and physician services without paying out-of-pocket. Dictates the rules provinces must abide by in order to quality for federal transfer payments to support health services. Builds off of previous legislation that covered hospital and physician services. Canadian health care policy states: (within the canadian health act) It is hereby declared that the primary objective of canadian health care policy is to protect, promote and restore the physical and mental well-being of residents of.