GS302 Study Guide - Final Guide: Sri Lanka Freedom Party, Tamil United Liberation Front, Mujahideen

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18 Apr 2017

Document Summary

Lesson 8: describe the role of the army, religion, and cold war in shaping pakistan"s history. Also, democracy: during democratic dilemma, country looks for new sources of stability = army, military is highly developed in 1947, powerful, stable, army therefore becomes very influential. Two nations theory laying the basis for the creation of pakistan. Helps to push for the division of india into india and pakistan. Aid from the us flowing to afghanistan through pakistan during this period of 1978-88: describe the political developments that resulted in the creation of bangladesh. Two nations theory two muslim majority regions of south asia are on the east and west wings of the peninsula. When country is divided, it"s into india and east and west pakistan. Contradictory: country is now divided by the widest point of its strategic rival (many hundreds of miles, logistically difficult as it is, differences between east and west pakistan.