GS220 Study Guide - Final Guide: Erik Erikson, Barter, Essentialism

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4 Apr 2016

Document Summary

A set of basic characterisics all humans have that make us human. Erik erikson understanding of idenity: individual idenity: Basic feature of an individual"s personality: group idenity: One"s self is like selves of a group. Consciousness of sharing language, culture, common descent. Foucault"s ani-essenialism: what makes an idenity is not the sameness of one person or group to the next, it"s the diference between those two people or group. Values and thoughts of a person is likely to be represented in their work. Self-locaion so as to atempt to avoid bias in the research. Researcher can relect on his relexivity (emoions, thoughts, experiences) as part of the process of learning during ieldwork. This can become data (as much as someone else"s acions or emoions are part of the data) Describes how people in socieies recognize their connecion to certain people in ways that they are not connected to others at all.