GS211 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Dependency Theory, Nationstates, Mercantilism

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5 Apr 2016

Document Summary

In capitalism the core (global powers) benefit from/depend on the resources and production of the periphery (poorer, less developed countries) An argument for why latin america is still poor, even after woodraw wilson planned to help them develop, is capitalism: core industrial countries became rich through exploitation of periphery countries, who are much less industrialized. In order to change this: reformists want to help ecla and isi. Terms of trade have made la too dependent on imports from the us. We"ll make our own shit and we"ll buy our own shit no more importing from the us (too expensive: revolutionaries want to overthrow capitalist system altogether if not, poor nations will always be exploited. Problems with dependency: the core"s prosperity isn"t only because of periphery exploitation, both the core and periphery depend on each other. Focus on economic processes, division of labour, geopolitical relationships. Influenced by marxism, but against developmentalism (idea of an end-point to development)