GS101 Midterm: Review for Final This review includes everything from the first midterm to the final that was covered in lecture

126 views3 pages
16 Oct 2011

Document Summary

Culture: meaning and identity, reciprocal functions of sharing and not sharing cultural norms. Globalization of culture: intensification and expansion of cultural flows across the globe: flows through migration, tourism, education, cuisine, art, and media. Mcdonaldization: american capital flows, represented in transnational corporations such as coke, form the outlets for a cultural colonization of the globe, real possibility of american cultural dominance, steger: optimistic hyper globalizers and pessimistic hyper globalizers. Role of global media: everything has become the same no more independent record labels, book stores, or newspapers. Cultural hybridization: crossing of two distantly related strains to produce a new thing with the best properties from both. International criminal court: international law applies to individuals in cases of genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes, and crime of aggression, illustrates dynamic and contested nature of world culture. A terrorist is: an entity that has as one of its purposes or activities facilitating or carrying out any terrorist activity.