GG102 Study Guide - Final Guide: Cosmopolitanism, Ethology, Semiotics

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18 Apr 2015

Document Summary

Different types of redeveloped areas: the okanagan valley community of osoyoos in b. c has adopted a spanish american culture due to warm weather, kimberly in b. c emphasized its mountain location by developing an austrian style town square (called a platz, shelburne, nova scotia replicated new england for a movie and when the movie was done the structures were left as a tourist attraction because it was so real, cape breton settled by highland scott"s as a tourist attraction has integrated heavily celtic music to create a more genuine feel , redevelopment of industrial heritage areas to post industrial business and lifestyle areas. What creates a sense of place in a mall: the feeling of public space (plants, benches, sidewalk sales (the things in the middle of the mall selling phone cases, nature (increases comfort levels) (lighting, plants, mirrors, literal allusions to place names (bourbon street, decorations to allude to a time period (music, decorations, the replication of a specific place.