ES102 Study Guide - Bycatch, Rangeland, Clearcutting

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18 Apr 2014

Document Summary

Biodiversity: we have disturbed 83% of earths land surface, 82% of temperate deciduous forests have been cleared, the current global extinction rate of species is at 100 times what it was before humans existed, decreasing, extreme weather conditions, environmental disturbance, environmental stress, resource shortages, non native species introduction. Hotspots: freshwater richness, asia and south america, amphibian species richness, south america, africa, asia and australia, freshwater turtle richness, australia. Identify endangered species and protect habitats: ecosystem approach, protect population of species in their natural habitat, preserve sufficient areas of habitats in different biomes and aquatic systems, protect habitat areas through government action, eliminate or reduce populations of non native species, manage protected areas. Forests: ecological services, support energy and chemical cycling, reduce erosion, purify water/air, store carbon, habitats. Influence climates: economic services, pulp for paper, lumber, fueldwood, mining, livestock grazing, recreation.