EC205 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Real Wages, Real Interest Rate, Aggregate Demand

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3 Mar 2015

Document Summary

Full employment: occurs when all unemployment is cyclical and structural, occurs when there is zero cyclical unemployment, occurs when there is zero frictional unemployment, occurs when all unemployment is frictional and discouraged, occurs when there is zero unemployment. If the cpi was 95 at the end of 2007 and 105 at the end of 2008, what was the inflation rate in 2008: 10 percent, 10. 5 percent, 9. 5 percent, 5 percent, 105 percent. Cpi in the current year: 100, 430, 140, 43, 233. If the inflation rate is positive, the price level in an economy is: constant, zero, rising, falling rapidly. falling slowly. From the data in the table, what is total income in eastland: ,120, ,420, ,180, ,280, ,360. Real gdp will increase only if the: employment rate falls, average level of prices rises, unemployment rate rises, employment rate rises, quantity of goods and services produced increases. Use the table below to answer the following questions.