CS101 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Bandwidth Cap, Canadian Content, Viacom

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14 Oct 2013

Document Summary

Cbc, tvo, vision tv, aboriginal peoples tv public broadcasters. Proving media and content canadians are meant to watch. Inform (part of democracy) , educate (well-informed individuals) and. Cultural sovereignty: control of our own cultural sphere within a nation. Canadian ideals vs. local ideals, which come together in media. Canadians worried about becoming too americanized, pushing the broadcasters to have. Cultural policy: to become more or less integrated in canada. Canadian values: multiculturalism, nationalism, ideal canadian men and women. per person/per year spent on canadian content. Liberalize the media made the media free. Bias of the news media: non-researched opinion is the media is left leaning. Public broadcaster: includes radio and television program or signal for public viewers. The tendency to think that your culture and media is superior to every other culture. Prime-time has to have certain amount of canadian content. Wanted to change broadcasting act to include non-profit broadcasters.