CS100 Midterm: After_Midterm_Lecture_Notes.docx

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31 Jul 2014

Document Summary

Secondary orality by mcluhan and walter: media after print culture that were speech base secondary orality telephone, telegraph to a certain degree, television and radio. Mcluhan are we back into the primary orality speech. Alongside electric media, the 19th century will witness the rise of: three new writing systems: photo-graph writing light, phonograph writing sound, cinmemato-graph writing movement. 1839: 1st commercial photographic system (called the daguerreotype) Photography on paper made it possible to reproduce images mechanically. Photographs were slow to be featured regularly in newspapers. Then replaced by photography on paper, cheaper simpler process. By 1900 2/3 of newspapers consisted of ads. 3 constitutive elements: halftone pictures media the capacity of being printed on paper that we can reproduce, press photographs - 1, photo agencies - Ulrich: reality" is not given but rather socially constructed though competing. Instead of just the rich getting painting done etc. now with the.