CS100 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Mnemonic, Mathematical Notation, Oral Tradition

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The system was simple clay was easy to use and requires little to no skill forms of tokens were plain and easily duplicated one to one correspondence tokens stood for units of goods- could be meaningful in any dialect. Weaknesses: the volume of tokens constituted a major short coming tokens would be easily manipulated tokens were easily misplaced out of order. Significance of human communication: the system was spread out all through the near east everyone knew what it was it was easy to communicate that way. Question 2: explain the fundamental relationship between the birth of writing and mathematics (logan 45). Nothing was unrealistic and made no sense: allowed for the creation of non real numbers (ex. Decimals: also allowed for the invention of the numerical order (ex. 1, 2, 3: writing and mathematical notation were used to store the verbal or mathematical words of spoken language. There are many theories of how writing originated.