CS100 Study Guide - Final Guide: Kinetoscope, Susan Douglas Rubes, Holy See

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18 Dec 2017

Document Summary

An invention is a completely new technology. An innovation are new ways to make a previous technology useful. The telephone was an invention but the constant improvements made were innovations. Note that the best design does not always win, in fact, it loses more often than it wins. Diffusion nye defines diffusion of technologies as their widespread use in the market. Ameliorative: improve daily life that face the problems we have. Transformative: new machines that reshape social reality in a positive way. Apocalyptic: new technologies are agents of doom. Satiric: make life worse or reverse of intended outcomes. Quality /usefulness and whether something spreads widely is not highly correlated. Scriptorium is the room in monasteries for copying and writing manuscripts that was established before printing. Roles of scriptorium: author, scribes, artists, monks had to learn different ancient texts like greek or latin, each monk had looked over a certain amount of books.