CS100 Study Guide - Final Guide: Rosetta Stone, Gutenberg Bible, Fertile Crescent

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20 Apr 2017

Document Summary

Read the whole exam before you start it. Refer to key people, dates, inventions, media. Explain how things work and how they relate to other media fertile crescent: clay comes out the of. Thought gained lightness, shift from stone to papyrus. Still an oral based culture information gained from attending churches. Creates a more individualistic society (people get their information through reading and not. Printing of text in local vernacular (the gutenberg bible mid 1450s) It takes 500 years for a reading public to emerge (eisenstein) speaking) After the free press is created and accepted the boom in new media arises. New and different communities are being created. People who freeze time also try to reanimate it. News has become more varied and entertainment based. Tv was argued that it could fix the family. Could put people back in specific gender roles. Hypermediacy emphasizes the immediacy of digital media it stresses real time and interactivity.