CC290 Study Guide - Final Guide: Edwin Sutherland, Differential Association, Social Disorganization Theory

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Major intellectual influences include members of the chicago school, particularly w. i. Thomas as well as sutherland"s father, a religious fundamentalist, college professor & college president. *sutherland was born in a religious, rural area in midwestern america, which also influenced his thinking, just like the chicago school. New statistics became available; ucr began in 1930 and showed lower-class are more involved in crime: statistics developed by fbi. Prohibition 1919); thus crime was a product of law, not different behaviour: mans were broke! They had to steal and shit by any means. Differential association theory brings together: ecological & cultural transmission theory, symbolic interactionism, culture conflict theory. In doing so, sutherland came to 3 ideas from the chicago school: criminal behaviour & non-criminal behaviour are essentially the same, values affect behaviour, certain locations and people are more crime prone than others. Differential association is indeed a positivist theory, for it focuses on criminals and their behaviour.