CC200 Study Guide - Comprehensive Final Guide: Indictable Offence, Young Offenders Act, Youth Rights

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Creating a juvenile justice system: then and now. Juveniles delinquents acts (1908: originates with the ideas of j. j. kelso and w. l. Scott: child-saving: leads to the creation of a separate system of justice, adopted a child welfare philosophy. 21 years of age: age of delinquency: set by province, jda was costly due to the new bureaucracy it entailed, implementation by provinces was inconsistent. The jda was also too lenient, with police expected to act as parents of the youth offender. Government response: the yoa underwent a number of amendments in 1986, 1991, and 1995, these revisions moved the yoa toward a crime-control model (get-tough approach, critics were still unsatis ed, calling for the creation of a new law. The ycja (2003: the youth criminal justice act (ycja) introduced as bill c-7, came into effect april 2003, critics soon after argued that the jcja needed amendments.