BU408 Midterm: BU408 Midterm Review

135 views8 pages
18 Sep 2017

Document Summary

Recruitment vs selection: recruitment: generating a group of qualified applicants consistent with legal requirements, selection: choosing from the applicant pool consistent with legal requirements. Results of following best practices in r & s (e. g. , retention, motivation, and performance) Increase: retention, productivity/efficiency, performance, profit, employee satisfaction, motivation, trust (managers & employees), ksaos: decrease: turnover, & costs of poor hiring decisions. Ethical issues in r & s: ensure you are not discriminating based on prohibited grounds remember bfors, e(cid:373)plo(cid:455)ees allo(cid:449)ed to a(cid:272)(cid:272)ess thei(cid:396) o(cid:449)(cid:374) files & the(cid:396)e"s (cid:374)o (cid:271)u(cid:396)de(cid:374) to keep thi(cid:374)gs i(cid:374) (cid:272)o(cid:374)fide(cid:374)(cid:272)e. Tf qs from rynes et al. (2002) article: conscientiousness & iq =; complexity does not importance of iq measure. Acceptable/unacceptable interview/application qs: you (cid:272)a(cid:374)"t ask a(cid:374)(cid:455)thi(cid:374)g that (cid:449)ould (cid:272)ou(cid:374)t as a p(cid:396)ohi(cid:271)ited g(cid:396)ou(cid:374)ds must be bfor. Constitutional law: section 15 of the charter about being = under the law regardless of factors (us limited > can, s. s. 2 in can talks about law preclusion.