BU121 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Business Model Canvas, Ikea

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Sanya gandhi: understand the context and resuling implicaions for your business model. 2: gain customer insights and build on them to improve business model canvas. Prototype your business model canvas think and create visually. Talk to customers and understand what they want, then go back and adjust your business model. Botom macroeconomic forces how will model adjust to macroeconomic shits: prototype your canvas: Drawing/images have meaning help make a point. Building blocks aren"t set in stone yet: go out and test the blocks o. You can change them as you talk to customers based on what they want. Build on the insights o o o o. Know customer irst behaviour, what they"re thinking, etc ; look at insights then compare to sol"n. Prepare - stay focused on what they"re saying to you as it afects the model. Defer judgement - don"t shut ppl down; be prepared to accommodate. Make necessary changes to business model canvas.