AS102 Study Guide - Final Guide: Interstellar Travel

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The responses to the paradox are: we actually are alone! Civilizations in our galaxy are rare, so rare, in fact, that we are the only one! Civilizations are common, but no one has colonized the galaxy! This could be because interstellar travel is too difficult and expensive, others have no desire to explore other worlds, or because all other civilizations have destroyed themselves (that"s an ominous thought!) They just haven"t contacted us yet: conclusion. In this lesson you learned about life elsewhere in the universe. The early part of this last chapter in our textbook discussed some characteristics of human life on earth, the origin of life, the possibilities of life elsewhere in our solar system and elsewhere in our galaxy. You learned a little bit about interstellar travel and about our attempts to communicate with other civilizations and also about one person"s attempt to determine the abundance of such civilizations.