Women's Studies 2161A/B- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 178 pages long!)

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Wom e n "s s t u d i e s 2 1 6 1 a / b. Find articles that counter that the initial one says, show differential opinion. 8. 2 million people watched finale got season 5. Taylor swift: 10 million stream first day, vivo 27 million views 24 hours, broke record for most watched video in 24 hours. These numbers suggesting things are literally popular: quantifying things with numbers. Just because people all watched it doesn"t mean they all liked or enjoyed it. We can never get full picture from numbers. Quantifying with numbers and percentages does not necessarily provide a full picture: inferior kinds of work- low culture. High culture: opera. museums modern art: seen more elitist, everything left over, people who like the low forms cant understand the higher forms of art. Default reduced to lower form of culture. High culture less people interested in it.