Women's Studies 1022F/G Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Electoral List, Glass Ceiling, Occidentalism

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The midterm exam will be held on wednesday, february 24, 2016 at 1:30 pm. The exam will be made up of 3 parts. Part i and ii will require you to provide short (2-3 sentences) definitions and/or to distinguish between terms. Part iii will require you to respond to one of two essay questions. Theories about obstacles to women"s leadership: glass ceiling/ glass cliff/ the labyrinth. Legal gender quotas/ voluntary party quotas/ parity in executive positions in political parties/ List of potential essay questions (1,000 word max. ) Two of these questions will appear in your midterm. You will be expected to respond to one in your own words. Please remember that there are no right or wrong answers to these questions. You are expected to produce thoughtful, well-argued and well-reasoned responses. What has feminist international relations contributed to the study of global power relationships: nationalism is experienced differently by women and men.