Women's Studies 1020E Study Guide - Final Guide: Lois Gould, Bell Hooks, Feminist Movement

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Womens studies 1020e full course notes readings + lectures. 1 - bell hooks, come closer to feminism: hooks definition of feminism: feminism is a movement to end sexism, sexist exploitation, and oppression against god/nature, misconceptions of feminism: a bunch of angry women wanting to be like men, Gender and feminism: men and women have been socialized to accept sexism as the norm. Feminism is for everyone: hooks follows the argument that patriarchy is bad for all of us, speaks directly to the criticisms of feminism as anti-male, and/or promoting female supremacy. In fact, men can be, and are, very vocal feminist allies. In actual practice, our pronoun usage perpetuates different personality attributes: women are part of men ex. He is in the word she and man is in the word. Woman people visualize men instead of women, resulting in men feeling like and career aspirations for men and women ex.