Women's Studies 1020E Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Compulsory Heterosexuality, Midriff, Ethnocentrism

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The hierarchical organization of society on the basis of gender. A hierarchical system of social organization that is rooted in essential ideas of gender. An individual who believes in the equality of the sexes, in all aspects of life. The adverse treatment of minority groups due to explicit and implicit rules that regulate behaviors. The argument that attitudes, abilities, expectations and ideas are taught, learned, and reinforced through our external environment. Gender: behaviors and the way an individual expresses themself that are often associated with / based on sex (masculine/ feminine) Sex: determine by physical and biological characteristics (male / female) The argument that attitudes, abilities, expectations and ideas are natural and rooted in biology. We perform gender to a predetermined set of standards for what is masculine and what is feminine. The act of enforcing or imposing personal ideas of gender norms based on how someone appears/behaves. Relates to x: a fabulous child"s story.