Visual Arts History 1040 Study Guide - Final Guide: Pendentive, Putto, Basilica Ulpia

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Basilica ulpia: catacomb: an underground cemetery consisting of tunnels on different levels, having niches for burials, urns and sarcophagi and often incorporated rooms. It recreates special depth and volumetric forms through gradations in the intensity of light and shadow: clerestory: the topmost zone of a wall with windows in a basilica, extending above the aisle of roofs. Provides direct light into central interior space (the nave): cloister: an enclosed space, open to the sky, at the heart of a monastery, surrounded by an arcaded walkway, often having a fountain or garden. An arch built on the exterior of a building that transfers the thrust of the roofs vaults at important stress points through the wall to a detached buttress pier: guilds: an association of crafts people. Medieval and renaissance guilds had great conomic power. Controlled selling and marketing of member"s products provide economic protection, political solidarity and training.