Sociology 2270A/B Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Social Gospel, Social Issue, Democratic Socialism

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Introduction: what is sociological theory, of great scope, uses science, all theories are partial and cannot fully explain any concept. Be i(cid:374)flue(cid:374)tial o(cid:448)e(cid:396) ti(cid:373)e (cid:862)sta(cid:374)d the test of ti(cid:373)e(cid:863: refers to interrelated statements which summarize relationships between two or more variables. The dependent variable the behavior we study. The independent variable the factor which contributes to behavior: systematic theory. Deductive from the general to the specific. Empirical and scientific: hermeneutics explain or interpret the author/things. Primitive, traditional roles, use informal social control to keep people in line. Technological, class system (upper, middle and lower), higher rates of deviance. Anemone normlessness, people do not follow the norms of society: ferdinand tonnies ((1855-1936) german social theorist. Family is more important than the individual. Essential will: way of doing things are simple. People are motivated by their own needs and desires: pre-industrial urban. Ancient greece, egypt (was advanced without technology: post-industrial technological.