Sociology 2270A/B Study Guide - Final Guide: Charismatic Authority, Historical Sociology, Verstehen

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For each answer, list the associated philosopher, define, give example/pros and cons/apply to contemporary understand. Refers to conceptualizing specific institutions or social actions and comparing them to the same features in other societies. This method allows a research to identify patterns without generalizing as laws of human behaviour. A fusion of historical sociology and empirical data. In order to compare two societies or social phenomena, it is necessary to develop concepts designed to assist in research on reality. Weber did this to find the associated between protestantism and the spirit of. Sociologists ability to understand social phenomena through simply intuition, sympathetic participation, or empathy. To understand how people give meaning to their actions i. e. qualitative research techniques such as participant observation, interviewing, focus groups. To combine face to face research with empirical scholarly texts i. e. understand the thinking of the author as well as the basic structure of the text.