Sociology 2266A/B Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Exaggeration, Counterculture, Hacktivism

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Cohen"s famous work folk devils and moral panics (1972) draws on a rich amalgam of subcultural and labelling theories - including: Lemert (1956) the power elite the power of definition and the adoption of stereotypes. ". Mills (1958) deviance as social control deviance is socially constructed as a form of social control. ". Becker (1963) the outsiders groups are labelled for the purposes of controlling and excluding them. " becker introduced what is now known as labelling theory, the battle over what (and who) is seen as normal or deviant. Wilkins (1964) deviancy and amplification the subject will role play the character assigned to them, or retreat to normalcy. " the self-fulfilling prophecy. Focused on the mods and rockers youth culture in 1960s britain (a time of dramatic social change young people with money / leisure time) Examined the media coverage of what was perceived as a youth problem" between two clearly defined / labelled youth sub-cultures.