Sociology 2266A/B Final: crim review Ch. 4

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It includes not only the interaction between the victim and the offender, but also the victim and the criminal justice system (police, courts) Includes the interaction between the victim and other institutions, such as media, and the roles victims play ina criminal act. Advocating: victims who form advocate groups to combat violence. Who are the most likely to be victims of crime: young, male, unmarried living in urban areas, aboriginals. How does this relate to what we know about crime: young, male, aboriginals commit more crime, in both cases, men and women commit more crime when they are younger. Connection between them: all serial killers, all men, 75% of serial killers are prostitutes: not many people notice/report missing prostitutions, police and media don"t really care about them. You can study serial killers through studying their victims. Sex worker s have the highest rate of victimization.