Sociology 2266A/B Study Guide - Final Guide: Suspended Sentence, Conditional Sentence, Dangerous Offender

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Absolute discharge (no long term criminal record: offender is found guilty, but is not technically convicted and is set free with no criminal record. Conditional discharge (no long term criminal record: offender is released on some form of condition, if they fail to comply with condition they may have to return to court for sentencing. Discharges happen when it is in the publics best interest. Fine: offender pays specific amount of money within a specified amount of time, if not paid they could face imprisonment, conviction registered is now against them, but in future could request a pardon to have removed from record. Probation: offender is placed in supervision of community for a specific time period (max. 3 years for adult, 2 years for youth) must fulfill general requirements. Use of alcohol, going to aa or no drinking at all: can be used for incarceration, or with a fine, most commonly used sanction.