Sociology 2266A/B Study Guide - Final Guide: White-Collar Crime, Restorative Justice, Group Conflict

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What policies/interventions reduce crime rate: control: how do we control those who commit crime, what kinds of punishments, recidivism =people who get caught, arrested, and then re-offend. What is crime: can be defined in different ways/perspectives. Legalistic: actions that violate some form of law that are codified in some way, we as a society give power to officials to pass laws and maintain social order. Laws established by states to maintain social order. Political: similar to legal, but instead laws are created in the interest of large political organizations. Sees crime as a result of power dynamics, political party that wins get to create laws that work in their own interest: ex. Conservative: tough on crime idealistic, be tough on criminals so they stop offending: ex. Sociological: crime is antisocial acts that need to repressed to preserve social order. There are lots of activities that can do more harm than street-crime, but many laws are directed towards street-crime.