Sociology 2259 Study Guide - Lloyd Ohlin, Solipsism, Radical Feminism

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Theorizing deviance theory provides us with the central means of explaining and understanding deviance. Scientific theories of crime have existed for almost a century. Scientific study of criminality is recognized as beginning with the work of cesare lom- broso in the early 20th century. Explained criminality on the basis of evolution- suggest that criminals were atavists- evolutionary throwbacks whose biology prevented them from conforming to society"s rules. Goring believed just as biological traits were inherited, so was social behaviour. By mid-century, social theories of crime had largely replaced biological theories, and theorizing about non-criminal forms of deviance gained prominence as well. Multiple coexisting explanations for the same phenomenon. Each theory provides us with one way of looking at a certain aspect of deviance, but no single theory can explain all of the components that make up deviance as a whole. Social theories can be classified as positivist, interpretive, or critical.