Sociology 2259 Study Guide - Comprehensive Midterm Guide: Social Constructionism, Sylvester Graham, Youth Smoking

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Sociology of deviance chapter one notes for quiz one october 2 nd. Mason cooley conformity makes everything easier if you can still breath . David lee you have to be deviant if you"re going to do something new . Who is deviant: historically, certain things have prevailed nuts, sluts, and perverts , people who illegally download music, customers at adult novelty stores, the jamband subculture and people who are voluntarily childless are now considered to be deviant. Things are constantly changing as deviance is a social construction: deviance is not marginal, it is central to what we do (adler and adler, polls, people who commit crime are largely recognized as deviant by students. As well as people who participate in injustice such as racists. Once getting past the few obvious groups of people, students started to list people who annoyed them (country singers, vegetarians): deviance transcends the individual level and exists at the societal level.