Sociology 2256A/B Study Guide - Feud, Nimby, Penology

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Pays little attention to victims of crime and impact of criminal offending on communities penal populism: corrections policies formulated in pursuit of political objectives, often in absence of informed public/in spite of public opinion arises when politicians advance tough on crime policies shift toward laws that increase severity of criminal sanctions expand control exercised over offenders by systems of corrections does little for crime rate, focuses on chances of re election calls for mandatory sentences and american style 3 strikes out laws increases prison populations. First penitentiary in kingston, result of a number of influences developments in us overcrowding in local jails (lack of classification of innmates) view that corporal punishment was improper/degrading largest public building in upper canada moral architecture: design of ^ reflected themes of order and morality hard labour and religion core elements of reformation process separated by gender and type of offence strict silence at all times.