Sociology 2240E Study Guide - Final Guide: Maurice Merleau-Ponty, Marianne Weber, Max Horkheimer

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The exam questions: the questions that will appear on the exam will be drawn from those that appear below. Please note that the question numbers will change on the exam, so be sure to make some other kind of note regarding which question it is on your prep sheet. You may use additional theorists from across the course in this question. How people are made to be/seen as unequal. How inequalities affect people and the larger societies they are apart of. I. e. produced via the government and legitimized by the people that conform to it. People believe the system is legitimate and that is why they agree/follow/don"t stand up against it. Horkheimer and adorno: popular culture legitimizes inequality. Merleau-ponty: jewish class and how the government is able to legitimize inequality. Hamilton: the enlightenment paradigm how this produced inequality. Reason - rational, focus on experience and experiment. Uniformity of human nature - characteristics of human nature are all the same.