Sociology 2240E Study Guide - Anthesis, Social Inequality, Capitalism

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Studies society and that society is about ourselves and that we carry roles. There are a million things that we can study. We can"t go out and find society out there: what we find out there isn"t independent of us, it"s been partially constructed in how and what we look for. Society is not a fact to be discovered, it"s actively constructed in the act of discovering them. As we come to a universal agreement between us, reality and truth starts to emerge because we can"t imagine anybody disagreeing with the truth of reality. Hitting a table is that it"s a reality that we all agree on since we can"t imagine anybody disagreeing on it. Your biographies are not independent of history, and by history it"s just like 30 seconds ago: 2 major logics: nominalism (has something to do with individuals, not literally but sort of like thinking micro) vs realism (macro)