Sociology 2240E Study Guide - Final Guide: Patricia Hill Collins, Standpoint Theory, Knowledge

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Instructions: match the definitions with the concepts below. Be sure to write the theorist"s initial next to each concept: fill in the blanks below. Note that if a blank has a * this means you are searching for a key concept from the list below; if it does not have a * then you need to find the information in the slides. Some key concepts might be used more than once. Fill in blanks our theories in a nut shell: standpoint theory: c. wright mills is an important inspiration for standpoint theory. *sociological imagination which allows you to shift between *private troubles (matters pertaining to your own biography, character and immediate social relations others) and *public issues (matters pertaining to social history having to do with the whole organization of society). *intersectionality is a term used to refer to how our social position is shaped by socially-structured relations of class race, gender, nationality and sexuality.