Sociology 2206A/B Study Guide - Structured Interview, Rein, Focus Group

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Differences between structured and qualitative research interviews: qualitative interviewing is much less structured and tends to be more open-ended. In qualitative interviewing researcher wants detailed answers, in structured interviewing, the interview is normally wanting to generate specific answers. In qualitative interviewing, the interviewee can be interviewed more than once. In structured, person is interviewed once: qualitative interviewing is meant to be flexible in order to explore the world views of research participants. Interviewing in qualitative research is typically unstructured or semi-structured. Semi-structured: researcher uses a memory aid: prompts to investigate certain topics. If they start it off on a clear focus and more than one person is to carry out fieldwork, it is semi-structured. Interview guide: a brief list of memory prompts regarding areas to be covered in unstructured and semi-structured interviewing. Interviewers should include values, beliefs, relationships, places, encounters, stories, behaviors and formal and informal roles.