Sociology 2206A/B- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 45 pages long!)

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Questions based from textbook but also lecture slides. In this course we are trying to understand a truth by asking questions. Difficult to understand if a truth is a myth. Will be able to: be a critical information consumer, be creative and well trained researcher, market yourself to the job recruiter. Understand, reasoning, explanation, prediction: problem solving, research can bring about policy making, review. Ideal situation is correct: reality is biased, and has limitations because we are human. The results will never be uninfluenced by life, beliefs, and experiences. To avoid making simplistic statements, avoid other potentially causally related factors: group research topic: cohabitation and divorce, research question: does length of cohabitation before marriage increase divorce rates in canada, variables: Iv: length of cohabitation: dv: divorce rates, control: heterosexual relationship, reason for cohabitation (economic/personal preference, etc), religion?, culture, *make sure you define the dependent variable & how it is measured.