Sociology 2172A/B Study Guide - Final Guide: Hyperbole, Empowered, Ingroups And Outgroups

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Basic advertising form, and execution makes up advertising style: appeals reflect the values of that culture, the value paradox as an effective advertising instrument, some values are easily recognizable as a reflection of culture, ex. Bigness": feminine, dreams are delusions, favour the small, caring, softness, understatement, men can be tender, affiliation and friendship oriented. Parody fits low power-distance cultures because it disguises the voice of authority. Jhally imaged based culture: public discourse soon became dominated by discourse thorugh and about objects. Symbol of committed and everlasting love: as the possibility for more effective colour illustration emerged and as. In 1938, the ny advertising agency of nw ayers was hired to change the public. Advertising and culture: society, large social grouping, same geographic territory, same political authority and dominant cultural expectations, culture, language, communication, courtesies, rituals, roles, relationships, customs, practices, expected behaviours.