Sociology 2151A/B Study Guide - Final Guide: Mesoamerican Chronology, Indirect Rule, Teotihuacan

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18: people began moving out of cities into the suburbs because of the baby boom, and coinciding economic boom, reconstruction: there was very high levels of international migration from europe to north. Private: suburbs are conceived as being elitist areas of the affluent. The entire area of earth that is taken up by human settlements. 2009, the united nations estimated that for the first time more than 50% of the world"s population lived in cities, so the total population of this area would be 3. 6 billion people as of. A group of conurbations, consisting of more than ten million people each: conurbation people. A large group of cities and their suburbs, consisting of three to ten million: metropolis is usually in 1-3 million. A large city and its suburbs consisting of multiple cities and towns. A city with a large population and many services. A city would have abundant services, but not as many as a large city.