Sociology 2140 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: The Terminal, Bro Code, Sexual Objectification

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Social problem a social condition (such as poverty) or a pattern of behavior (such as violence against women) that people believe warrants public concern and collective action to bring about change. They systematically or harm a significant number of people. Are social in their causes, consequences, and possible sources of resolution. What constitutes a social problem can remain the same or change over time. May be viewed correctly or incorrectly as a condition. Sociology the academic and scholarly discipline that engages in systemic study of human society and social interactions. Society a large number of individuals who share the same geographical territory and are subject to the same political authority and dominant cultural expectations. Discrimination actions or practices of dominant group members (or their representatives) that have a harmful impact on members of subordinate groups. Dominant group the group who members are disproportionately at the top of the hierarchy.