Sociology 2105A/B Final: Youth Politics – Engaged Alternative or Disengaged Resistant – Learning Outcomes

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Youth politics engaged/alternative or disengaged/resistant learning outcomes. Active political engagements conscious, formal, direct involvements in the country"s political structures and/or intentions to contribute to social change in some way, even if outside mainstream structures. Reactive behaviour patterns disengagement from, or resistance to, the system" in some way. Many claims that youth have found new types of informal political expression through new information and communication technologies, (icts) while many of these are individualized and use the cafeteria approach (picking and choosing individual issues) Concerns that much of the youth are cognitively and emotionally disengaged from old formal politics. Argue that this causes damage because politicians will not keep their interest in mind when it comes to voting & allows the power of democracies to be given to the lites. It involves picking and choosing individual issues and is associated with informal political expression.