Sociology 1027A/B Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Christina Hoff Sommers, Gender Inequality, Multicultural Education

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Lecture 5: inequality based on gender and sexuality. Sex: depends on whether a person was born with distinct male or female genitals and a genetic program that released either male or female hormones to stimulate the development of the reproductive system. Gender: the feelings, attitudes, desires, and behaviours that are associated with a particular sexual category. Two main perspectives: essentialism: school of thought that views gender differences as a reflection of biological differences between women and men, social constructionism: regards gender differences as constructed by social structure and culture. Functionalism: traditional gender roles are essential because they help integrate society and allow it to function properly (e. g. , rationality in men vs nurturance in women, essence of masculinity is a series of instrument traits. Rationality, self-assuredness, and competitiveness: essence of femininity is a series of expressive traits. Conflict and feminist theories disagree with the essentialist view.