Sociology 1025A/B Study Guide - Final Guide: Internet Addiction Disorder, Culture Shock, Human Events

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Using sociological perspective changes how we perceive the surrounding world, even ourselves. Thinking sociologically is similar to entering a new & unfamiliar society. Social reality turns out to have many layers of meaning. Culture shock describes the impact of totally new culture upon a newcomer. Sociological discovery is similar to culture shock without the geographical mobility. Human events have diff levels of meaning, which are hidden from everyday life. Reality has more to it than what people normally perceive: e. g. (cid:449)e see the i(cid:374)frastru(cid:272)ture of houses, (cid:271)ut do(cid:374)"t see (cid:449)hat happe(cid:374)s i(cid:374)side homes. What if sociologists had as much influence as economists. Economists have such a great influence on society. When every policy advisor is an economist, every problem looks like an economic problem. Economics is only a piece of the broader societal problem. One country (us) sees a job loss as a personal reflection and blame themselves (in which they eventually give up looking for a job)